Websphere Process server online training

WebSphere EnterpriseServiceBus

  • Course introduction
  • SOA and ESB concepts
  • WebSphere Integration Developer overview
  • Exercise: WebSphere Integration Developer tooling overview
  • Service Component Architecture (SCA) programming model
  • SCA bindings
  • Exercise: Service Component Architecture basics and Web services
  • Mediation primitive principles
  • Service message objects
  • Exercise: Creating business objects
  • Message transformation and enrichment
  • Exercise: Implementing a mediation and using WebSphere MQ binding
  • Invoking services and aggregating messages
  • Exercise: Using service invoke and message aggregation
  • Flow control in mediations
  • Exercise: Writing a generic error handler
  • Tracing and error handling
  • Dynamic message routing
  • Exercise: Dynamic message routing
  • Using WebSphere Adapters in WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus
  • Exercise: Using the WebSphere JDBC and flat file adapters
  • Mediation problem determination
  • Exercise: Mediation problem determination
  • Administration and event monitoring
  • Exercise: Generating and reviewing Common Event Infrastructure events
  • Course summary


WebSphere Process Server

  • Course introduction
  • Business process management and service-oriented architecture
  • Exercise: Exploring WebSphere Integration Developer, part I
  • IBM WebSphere Integration Developer overview
  • Exercise: Exploring WebSphere Integration Developer, part II
  • Service Component Architecture overview
  • Exercise: Exploring WebSphere Integration Developer, part III
  • SCA bindings
  • Exercise: Working with Web services
  • Business objects
  • Exercise: Creating business objects and shared interfaces
  • Business process choreography overview
  • Exercise: Creating a business process, part I
  • Business process basic and structured activities
  • Exercise: Creating a business process, part II
  • Business process handlers, runtime behavior, and clients
  • Exercise: Creating a business process, part III
  • Business rules
  • Exercise: Creating business rules
  • Adapters
  • Exercise: Implementing WebSphere (JCA) Adapters
  • Developing mediation services
  • Exercise: Creating mediation services, part I
  • Mediation primitives and service message objects
  • Exercise: Creating mediation services, part II
  • Human tasks and human task clients
  • Exercise: Implementing human tasks, part I
  • Human task roles, people queries, and escalations
  • Exercise: Implementing human tasks, part II
  • Advanced testing, debugging, and deployment
  • Exercise: Using component tests and the debugger
  • Generating events
  • Exercise: Monitoring using the Common Event Infrastructure
  • Course summary
Websphere Process Server Online training

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